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Digitized Planning, Focusing On The Future

Dec 17, 2022

Based on the company's strategic deployment needs, Eaglerise collaborated with an external consulting team to carry out the "Digital Intelligence Planning" project. On December 9, 2022, a "Digital Intelligence Planning" report was presented to the senior management of the company at Eaglerise headquarters. The report clarified Eaglerise's guiding ideology for digital intelligence, ten major special contents that should be focused on in the future, and defined the main development directions for the next three years, namely the year of marketing transformation in 2023, the year of strategic business transformation in 2024, and the year of enterprise integration in 2025. After the reporting meeting, Mr. Xiao Juncheng, the chairman of the company, proposed the following requirements:

1、 Data on the Flow of Iron Battalion.

2、 This plan supports higher business goals by connecting the past with the future.

3、 Once in a century, our digital and intellectual transformation under the great transformation.

These two years are also a window period for the company's digital transformation, with the goal of "business globalization, product intelligence/integration, and asset digitization". Through the digital platform, the company's different processes and functional organizations can form efficient collaboration. The specific requirements are: to put aside the past and focus on the future; Fill in the gaps and work hard!